The Concept and Evolution of Open Pricing in the Airline Industry

Evolution of open pricing

In recent months, the FareTrack team have spoken to many airline revenue managers about their revenue management strategies, and one key area that has been a frequent topic of discussion is the concept of open pricing. Unlike traditional methods, Open Pricing allows airlines to adjust fares dynamically in response to market demand, competitor pricing, and individual customer profiles. This flexibility promises a more tailored and optimized pricing strategy for airlines, departing from the rigid approaches of the past. The Evolution of Pricing Strategies The journey towards Open Pricing began with…

The Future of Airline Ancillary Revenue: A Personalized Journey

Future of airline

In recent industry gatherings attended by the FareTrack team, one topic has consistently stolen the spotlight: ancillary revenue. The discourse surrounding its remarkable growth, future trajectory, and, most importantly, the strategies for revenue managers to bolster their ancillary revenue has been fervent. In this article, we provide a panoramic overview of the anticipated evolution of ancillary revenue and delve into the fundamental concepts propelling this transformation. In the coming years, we can expect to see a significant shift towards a more personalized and data-driven approach to ancillary offerings. The concept…

Introduction to Airline Ancillary Revenue


Find out how airlines are leveraging it to develop better revenue management strategies and how it is evolving to shape the future of air travel. “In recent decades, ancillary revenue has transitioned from a peripheral element in airline economics to a fundamental cornerstone of pricing strategies. Anticipated to experience explosive growth in the future, it is poised to become a transformative trend in the realm of air travel.” Ancillaries have transcended their status as mere “add-ons” and now stand as a pivotal element in the revenue management strategies adopted by…