The Concept and Evolution of Open Pricing in the Airline Industry

Evolution of open pricing

In recent months, the FareTrack team have spoken to many airline revenue managers about their revenue management strategies, and one key area that has been a frequent topic of discussion is the concept of open pricing. Unlike traditional methods, Open Pricing allows airlines to adjust fares dynamically in response to market demand, competitor pricing, and individual customer profiles. This flexibility promises a more tailored and optimized pricing strategy for airlines, departing from the rigid approaches of the past. The Evolution of Pricing Strategies The journey towards Open Pricing began with…

Navigating Screen Bias: A Must-Read Guide for Airline Revenue Management

Screen Bias for Airline Revenue Management,

Understanding and managing “screen bias” is crucial for airline revenue management. Our latest eBook delves deep into the evolution of this concept, from the era of Computer Reservation Systems (CRS) to today’s digital realm dominated by Online Travel Agencies (OTAs) and Metasearch engines. The Origins of Screen Bias: From CRS to Modern OTAs Originally rooted in CRS, screen bias was a tactic used by airlines to prioritize their flights over competitors’, significantly influencing booking decisions. Today, this dynamic persists in the digital era but with more intricate mechanisms involving search…

Navigating Screen Bias: A Must-Read Guide for Airline Revenue Management


Understanding and managing “screen bias” is crucial for airline revenue mangement. Our latest eBook delves deep into the evolution of this concept, from the era of Computer Reservation Systems (CRS) to today’s digital realm dominated by Online Travel Agencies (OTAs) and Metasearch engines. The Origins of Screen Bias: From CRS to Modern OTAs Originally rooted in CRS, screen bias was a tactic used by airlines to prioritize their flights over competitors’, significantly influencing booking decisions. Today, this dynamic persists in the digital era but with more intricate mechanisms involving search…